General Knowledge Current Affairs

Sunday, November 28, 2010


The experience of past two decades has demonstrated the crucial importance of human rights. Traditionally, the human rights violation occurred due to State or its actors, however, the contemporary time has witnessed human rights violations by individuals, institutions and at societal levels. Over the years, the National Human Rights Commissions of India has been recording and reporting a number of human rights violations including civil, political, social and economic rights. These violations and victimizations are with regard to the issues concerning right to food, right to health, right to education, rights of women against violence and exploitation, rights of Children against abuse and exploitation, rights of migrants and their violation based on caste, creed, region and region.

Nature of Job

The human rights field has huge potential and need for multiple professionals. Work in human rights can be challenging and intense. Organizations use a variety of disciplines in their approach to Social Justice, Juvenile Justice, Gender Justice, Custodial Justice, and now emerging area of Climate Justice including direct service, monitoring & evaluation, lobbying and networking, advocacy, policy development, documenting and research. Activities include research focusing on preventing and ending human rights abuses in all regions of the world, monitoring human rights development, conducting on-site fact finding and investigations, writing case studies and reports on human rights conditions, engaging in advocacy to publicize and curtail human rights violations, litigation, lobbying, and promoting human rights practices in social and political structures. In addition, human rights professionals provide advisory and educational services, refugee assistance, victim’s rehabilitation, policy analysis for national and international institutions, assistance in institution building and project development and management in the field of human rights based civil society organizations.

The human rights based job includes

1.  Human rights activist,
2.  Human rights defender,
3.  Human rights analyst,
4.  Human rights professional,
5.  Human rights researcher,
6.  Human rights programmer,
7.  Human rights advocate,
8.  Human rights worker,
9.  Human rights teacher,
10. Human rights consultant,
11. Human rights campaigner,
12. Human right fundraiser
13. Human rights manager.

Skills required

   1. Writing skills
   2. Management skills
   3. Legal skills
   4. Communication Skills
   5. Reporting skills
   6. Research Skills
   7. Interviewing skills
   8. Language skill
   9. Inter-personal communication skills
  10. Documenting skills
  11. Fundraising skills
  12. Crisis Response Skills
  13. Advocacy Skills
  14. Active Listening and questioning Skills
  15. Teamwork skills
  16. Analytical and critical thinking skills
  17. Negotiating and Mediating Skills
  18. Conflict Resolution Skills
  19. Networking Skills

Organizations working in Human Rights

Having a Degree or Diploma or Certificate in Human Rights, one can work in the human rights field with a broad spectrum. There are governmental (National and State Human Rights Bodies), intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (Amnesty International, CRY, Oxfam, Human Rights Watch, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiatives, Asian Centre for Human Rights, South Asian Human Rights Documentation Centre, PUCL and PUDR etc). Besides, a number of UN agencies working on the human rights issues might be useful for human rights, based employments in India and overseas as UNDP ((United Nations Development Programme), UNDESA (UN Department of Economic & Social Affairs), World Bank,  UNICEF (UN Children Fund), UNEP( UN Environment Programme), UNFPA (UN Population Fund), WHO (World Health Organization), IMF (International Monetary Fund), UN- HABITAT (UN Human Settlements Programme), FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization),  IFAD  (International Fund for Agricultural Development), ILO(International Labour Organization), ITU(International Telecom Union), UNAIDS (Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS), UNCTAD (UN Conference on Trade and Development), UNDG (UN Development Group), UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ), UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency), UNIDO (UN Industrial Development Organization),  UNIFEM (UN Development Fund for Women), OHCHR (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ), UNRWA(UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East ), WFP (World Food Programme).

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Career in Library and Information Science

Librarianship as a profession provides a variety of employment opportunities. Today there are a number of career prospects in Library and Information Science. The qualified professionals are employed in various libraries and information Centers. Trained library professionals can find opportunities for employment both as teacher and as a Librarian. In fact, it is possible to choose the kind of library to suit one’s interest and background. In Librarianship, designations could be Librarian, Documentation Officer, Assistant Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Scientist (Library Science/ Documentation), Library and Information Officer, Knowledge Manager/ Officer, Information Executive, Director/Head of Library Services, Information Officer, and Information Analyst.

* In School, College, Universities;
* In Central Government Libraries.
* In the training centers of banks.
* In National Museum and Archives;
* In NGOs working in different areas.
* In R&D Centre like ICAR, CSIR, DRDO, ICSSR, ICHR, ICMR, ICFRE, etc.
* In Business Houses.
* In Foreign Embassies and High Commissions.
* In International Centers like WHO, UNESCO, UNO, World Bank etc.
* In the libraries of Ministries and other government departments.
* In National Level Documentation Centers.
* In Library Networks.
* In the newspaper libraries.
* In News Channels.
* In the Libraries of Radio Stations.
* In the Databases provider firms.
* In publishing companies for preparing Index, abstracts, bibliographies etc.
* In various digital library projects like ‘Digital Library of India’ etc.
* In Training Academies.

The role of libraries in providing widespread and inclusive access to knowledge is widely acknowledged. In today’s context, libraries have to play two distinct roles - to serve as a local centre of information and knowledge, and be a local gateway to national and global knowledge. Some of the issues under consideration of National Knowledge Commission are:

* institutional framework of libraries;
* networking;
* education, training and research;
* modernization and computerization of libraries;
* maintenance of private and personal collections and
* staff requirements to meet changing needs.

This commission has recommended the formation for the National Library Commission to strengthen the Library networks in India. The Department of Culture (DoC) has proposed setting up a National Mission for Libraries (NML) as a Central Sector Scheme. The NML will cover libraries under the DoC and the activities under it will include: National Census of Libraries; Modernisation including networking of Libraries under DoC; establishing Knowledge Centres and Digital Libraries. Recently under National Mission for Libraries there is a proposal for establishing 7000 libraries having computers with internet facility across the country.

It was recommended that the initial recruitment should be direct at the level of library and Information Assistant. The qualification requirement would be graduation and BLISc degree. Thus, the scope of librarianship becomes brighter. Career in LIS is multidimensional, ever growing bright and significantly enriching the knowledge base of the society for prosperity and progress.

Source : Employment News

For More Career Scope Click Here

TAG: Library Science, Career in Library Science