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Showing posts with label BRICS and Africa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BRICS and Africa. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilateralism

In a rapidly evolving global landscape, partnerships between nations have become essential for fostering economic growth, sustainable development, and multilateral cooperation. One such significant partnership is between the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and Africa. This article explores how this collaboration is fostering mutually accelerated growth, sustainable development, and inclusive multilateralism on the African continent.

BRICS and Africa: A Historical Perspective

The Emergence of BRICS

The BRICS bloc came into existence in 2009, initially comprising Brazil, Russia, India, and China. South Africa joined later, expanding the group's global reach. The primary aim was to facilitate cooperation in economic and political spheres.

Historical Ties with Africa

All BRICS nations have historical ties with Africa, dating back to the anti-colonial struggles. These connections laid the foundation for closer collaboration in the 21st century.

Economic Growth Through Investment

Investment Initiatives

BRICS nations have significantly invested in African infrastructure and industries. China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a prime example, with substantial projects spanning across the continent.

Trade and Commerce

Trade between BRICS and Africa has grown steadily. Efforts to reduce trade barriers have opened up new opportunities for African nations to export their goods and resources to BRICS countries.

Sustainable Development and Innovation

Technological Advancements

BRICS nations have shared technological innovations with African partners. This has led to improved healthcare, education, and communication infrastructure.

Agricultural Advancements

Collaboration in agriculture has enhanced food security and agricultural productivity in Africa, contributing to sustainable development.

Inclusive Multilateralism

Diplomacy and Global Governance

BRICS and Africa have joined forces in international forums to address global challenges such as climate change and peacekeeping. This fosters inclusive multilateralism by giving a voice to emerging economies.

South-South Cooperation

Both BRICS and African nations champion South-South cooperation, emphasizing equality and mutual benefit in international relations.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Infrastructure Challenges

Despite progress, challenges remain in ensuring the sustainability of infrastructure projects and addressing issues related to debt.

Geopolitical Considerations

Navigating global power dynamics is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the BRICS-Africa partnership.


The partnership between BRICS and Africa is a testament to the potential of international collaboration in fostering mutually accelerated growth, sustainable development, and inclusive multilateralism. As these nations continue to work together, they set a powerful example for the world.


Q. What is BRICS, and why is it important for Africa?

ANS. BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. It is important for Africa as it represents a significant economic and political partnership that fosters development and cooperation on the continent.

Q. What are some notable BRICS investments in Africa?

ANS. Notable investments include China's Belt and Road Initiative, which involves large-scale infrastructure projects in Africa, and India's contributions to technology and healthcare.

Q. How does the BRICS-Africa partnership contribute to sustainable development?
The partnership contributes to sustainable development through investments in infrastructure, technology transfer, and agricultural advancements that improve living standards and economic growth.

Q. What are the challenges faced by this partnership?
Challenges include addressing infrastructure sustainability, managing debt from investments, and navigating global geopolitical dynamics.

Q. How can other regions learn from BRICS and Africa's collaboration?
Other regions can learn from their emphasis on equality in international relations, technology sharing, and collective efforts to address global challenges.